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Teachers Training Events

Primary Physics Professional Development Training Events

Time: by Appointment

Location: Your school!

Cost to school: Only $695

Numbers: You can invite up to 20 teachers

This PD training event with the award winning author Marti Ellen, is a fun, exciting, hands-on, content-rich training covering basic physics concepts and the principles behind applying physics to everyday experiences. She will also discuss the fit with the Australian Curriculum. Experiments done on the day come from the popular, award-winning series “Primary Physics”. The experiments are simple, clear, effective and easily understood (even with very little science background). Complimentary booklets will be given out, and the “Primary Physics” series of books will be available for purchase on the day.

Register in now for this exciting and fun training event that will give your teachers hands-on experience with the simple, clear, and effective strategy used in “Primary Physics”.

“I really enjoyed the training and came away with some great new ideas. I loved the layout and simplicity. I had used the books before, and they always give me confidence to explain concepts to students. Wonderful books, great presentation.” – Bridgette Cathes, Castle Cove P.S.


Professional educators were invited to The Leonardo da Vinci Machines exhibition for a training event conducted by renowned educator and author Marti Ellen, with suggestions to use the exhibition as an educational opportunity.

The Artisans of Florence have interpreted Leonardo’s drawings and brought them to life through the use of “hands-on” models.

Through this interactive format, Leonardo’s valuable cultural and scientific contributions can be experienced by even very young students.

Marti Ellen demonstrated how to use the exhibition to communicate scientific principles to students.

Primary Physics – The principles behind Leonardo’s science is available at the bookshop of the Leonardo da Vinci Machines exhibitions.

Marti demonstrating Primary Physics at the Leonardo da Vinci Machines exhibition.
Marti showing teachers the Archimedes Screw.